Captain Gregory Gooch
capngooch@gmail.comTo Whom it May Concern,
Hello, I am currently seeking delivery positions only as a professional mariner. I held a 100 ton Masters license (Steam, Motor, Sail and Sail Auxillary, NC) and an Ableseamans Document (AB Spec OSV/Sail) for 25 years. I also held an STCW 95 Document and Marine Radio Operators Permit from the FCC.
After 25 years without mishap I have decided to let my license lapse and to accept only delivery positions. Since I let my license lapse I have made several deliveries and the insurance companies involved were quite content with my experience level and knowledge base. According to the USCG there is currently no license requirement for a private vessel delivery without paying customers.
My experience runs the gamut;from a 23′ sail aux. daysailers (as Captain/Instructor/Teacher) to a 137′ topsail schooner (as Master) to a 202′ iron barque (as Ableseaman / Foretopman); from 40′ twin screw oilfield crewboats(as Captain) to 120′ quad screw oilfield crewboats (also as Captain) up to 200′ 500 ton oilfield supply vessels (as Ableseaman / Wheelman). The oilfield vessels did the full range of jobs from carrying crews and cargo from the shore side dock to the offshore platforms and rigs to “live boating” hard hat divers in the Gulf of Mexico. The sailing vessels ranged from daysails and offshore long term sailing “classes” for non-profit organizations to public charters, both daysails and long term charters.
Gregory Gooch
Capt USMM Ret |